As The Rain Falls: The End

The rain was coming down harder now and I was left to sit there with my thoughts. Maybe this isn’t my last time writing. I think I just needed to remember you, the real you, the happy and motivating you. As I stared out the window I turned your camera on.

The flowers were blooming. I hadn’t noticed them before. The kids from up the block was jumping through the puddles. The rain was coming down hard but everything was so full of life.

“Maybe she is rain,” I thought. I put on my rain boots and coat. I grabbed the dogs’ leashes and headed out the front door. Elephant and Mouse drank from every puddle we walked past. The flowers were so vibrant, everything full of life. I looked up to the sky and when that first raindrop hit my face. I couldn’t help but smile. I realized everything great happens when the rain falls.

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